Online Courses from The Basics of Managing Stress

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4+ Lessons

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World-class wellness courses for anyone, anywhere!

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10 Step Lesson Plan


What Is Stress?

Your calendar is jam-packed, your car won’t start, and your kid’s school just called about a behavioral issue. It’s undeniable—life is full of stressful situations. With so many demands on our time, it can feel like we’re drowning in stress. But managing our stress is key to staying healthy, happy, and productive. And that begins with a clear understanding of what stress is.


Understanding Your Body's Reaction to Stress

Think back to a stressful situation you experienced. Maybe you gave a presentation at work, interviewed for a job, or avoided a near-collision on your morning commute. In stressful moments like these, your body reacts—your senses sharpen, your heart rate quickens, and your muscles tighten. Understanding those changes in your body is key to managing your stress response and maintaining your health.


Identifying and Managing Your Stress Triggers

How often do you feel stressed? Is it a daily or weekly aggravation? Or do you tend to stay calm and collected? Stress is unavoidable. But some of us feel it more often than others—and that’s because we have different internal and external realities. Consider the scenes below:



Understanding stress, how it affects us, and ways to cope protects us from the dangers of chronic stress. Let’s review a few key takeaways we covered in this course:

10 Step Lesson Plan

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Our product is best in class and we stand behind its quality. This course includes:

11 hours on-demand video

5 downloadable resourses

10 articles

Access on mobile

Over 4,452+ graduates

6 guest lecturers

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Special deal only available for 23 more hours!

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4.7 out of 5.0 stars

. "I have struggled with stress for years, but this course really gave me the tools I needed to better manage it. The content was easy to understand and implement into my daily routine. I highly recommend The Basics of Managing Stress to anyone looking to take control of their mental health."


"As someone who is constantly juggling work, family, and personal life, I found this course to be a game-changer. The stress management techniques taught in the 5-Day Challenge to Improve Mental Health were practical and effective. I now feel more equipped to handle stressful situations and prioritize my well-being."


"I have taken a lot of mental health courses in the past, but none have had the impact that The Basics of Managing Stress has had on me. The daily challenges and exercises helped me develop healthier habits and mindset. I feel more resilient and empowered to handle whatever life throws at me. Thank you for this life-changing program!"




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